Resources & Forms

Mental health in the media

This section is a curated work in progress! I hope it grow to be a home to useful resources for clients and those interested in mental health.

  • Glennon Doyle’s podcast, We Can Do Hard Things: a fantastic interview with Becky Kennedy about parenting, and re-parenting ourselves: Transcript, and the Apple Podcast (Also on Spotify, and Audacy). Don’t miss the second episode as well!
  • An interview between psychologist Jacob Ham, and journalist Stephanie Foo, talking about her memoir and “google docs” therapy: Youtube.
  • Brené Brown’s interview with Emily & Amelia Nagoski about their book, Burnout: Transcript and Podcast.
  • Neurologically and for mental health, being in nature is more profoundly important than most of us realize. Here are some recent resources to this fact: An article in The Guardian, and Florence Williams’ The 3-Day Effect & the importance of being in nature: The REI article, or listen to the audiobook.
  • Joanna Macy’s website Active hope.
  • Gudrun Zomerland’s article exploring Shame as Self-Care, and another regarding Narcissism and Co-Narcissism.
  • Interested in different popular forms of trauma therapy in the media? I found this to be an useful comparison Wade Lang: EMDR, ART, Brainspotting
  • Need a study partner? Body doubling is possible in a virtual café

Note: I am not responsible for the content, claims or representations contained in the references above.

Useful mental health scales & documents

Online questionnaires for depression (PHQ-9), anxiety (GAD-7), and mania (YMRS).

  • PHQ-9: Depression screen for adults
  • GAD-7: Anxiety screen for adults
  • CES-DC: Depression Scale for Children
  • SCARED: Screen for Child Anxiety Related Disorders
  • YMRS: Mania rating scale
  • YBOCS: OCD rating scale
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